Since 99% of my shopping is done online, hearing the news of Piperlime -- the newest addition to the GAP family -- was a definite highlight.
Side note: not that anyone could compete with Zappos, but still, a little green-hued variety can never be bad -- or so I thought.
Today, I got the following enticement in my inbox:
"As one of our best customers, Banana Republic is pleased to let you know about a special sale from Piperlime, a fresh new online shoe shop from Gap Inc."
Cool, I thought. I'm totally in need of a new pair of Uggs. Pink or chocolate.
The actual email (the part above was just the intro) continued to promise things like free standard shipping, easy returns and brands galore. So I clicked. And realized that the "website is temporarily closed?"
Um. Isn't that the point of web shopping? 24/7, 365? Clearly, the pipers have some development work to do. Like building a fuctional online presence.